Before you arrive at university, you must book your accommodations and make financial arrangements. Before beginning your term of study, you must have sufficient financing in place to cover your tuition fees, housing, books, stationery, food, and, of course, social expenses.

The table below provides an estimate of the minimal monthly living expenses in the United Kingdom. These costs are for a single person, thus students with children or dependents should factor this into their budgeting.

Expenses Approximate price
Accommodation (halls of residence, usually including bills)
£400 – £600 per month
Private Accommodation (bills not included)
£320 – £530 per month
Bills (electric/ gas/ water)
£40 – £50 per month
Food / Housekeeping
£160 – £200 per month
TV Licence (mandatory with TV or watching BBC online)
£12.56 per month (or £150.50 per year)
Mobile phone
£15 – £50 per month
Clothes / Shoes
£25 per month
Leisure / Sport (This is calculated on membership for the Students Sports center)
£10 – £20 per month
Books / Stationery
£21 per month
Socialising / Going out
£120 per month
Travel / Transport (Based on the monthly cost of a student bus pass)
£32 per month
Childcare (if needed)
£656 per month


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